Monday, October 20, 2008

"Dear Amanda, That's me!"

Every night at eight o'clock, I would watch Amanda Bindes preform this skit on All That, in my unbiased opinion, the best show ever created for the teen in training.
I still don't have my own show to spill my views on life, but I am the fashion columinist for The Crimson White.
I am now past Nickalodean as I work towards graduating from the University of Alabama, balancing a hecktic social life, a fashion column, classes, and a few runway shows a year, a job, and a horrid addiction to coffee.
So enough about me, Liz, not Amanda (I just really liked that show). This blog will include my columns for my faithful out-of-college readers, pictures of my designs and the insperation behind them, videos of amazingness, and other various treasures of the fashion world.

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